Roscoe has returned home. About 2 months ago, I noted this story where Roscoe was taken from his family in Kansas City, KS because animal control officers thought he was a "pit bull", which are outlawed in KCK. Even though the Cockrum family produced paperwork that they had adopted Roscoe from the KCK City-run animal shelter as a Shepherd Mix, the authorities still took Roscoe. Only after some help from some a lawyer, the new crews, and some behind the scenes dog advocates, has Roscoe finally returned home.
The Cockrum's had to pay a fine for not having Roscoe Spay and Neutered and for not having him licensed. Roscoe spent the day at Spay/Neuter Kansas City, a place that offers low cost spay/neuters for people who can't afford the higher prices at vets offices handled him getting fixed.
Meanwhile, the taxpayers of KCK just spent a small fortune on their animal control officer's time, court costs, and the costs of boarding Roscoe for 2 months while this all took place so this dog could just not be a part of his family. The dog is clearly not dangerous (watch the video), and clearly not a 'pit bull' (although your guess is as good as mine about what he really is). But this is a prime example of what happens when you have poorly conceived laws, that are not enforceable, and a poorly run animal control office that is more concerned about making numbers and jacking with people than they are about public safety and animal welfare.
Special thanks to those at KC Dog Advocates that helped out the Cockrum family. Here's a link to the news story by KCTV5 -- who thanks to them for covering this story.
Roscoe, welcome home.
If if he was part 'pit bull', which is impossible beccause there's no such breed, so what? I hope they realize how completely ridiculous this BS law really is.
I'm glad the little guy is home and he looks to be in OK shape.
I hope these people sue the pants off the city over this.
Posted by: Caveat | December 29, 2007 at 05:20 PM
As one friend pointed out, it would take a good amount of testing to even get a reasonable guess if that dog was in any way part "pit bull", but any idiot could watch the footage of the boy playing with the dog and realize that the dog was not aggressive. Thus the complete waste of time and resources that BSL is.
Posted by: Brent | December 29, 2007 at 05:43 PM