2007 is rapidly coming to a close and I, personally, am looking forward to the new and improved year that I think 2008 will become. I'm always the optimist I suppose. The last week of 2007 ended with a bang...just as it began when a little girl was mauled and killed by a dog in the UK on New Year's Day. It turns out that cold weather where dogs aren't getting out enough, coupled with excited kids (and in many cases relatives dogs that aren't as familiar with the said kids) aren't a great scenerio -- but you'll also note that breed has nothing to do with this large number of dog bite stories. Here's a look:
"Pit Bull" Attacks Woman and Child in Canton, MS
Everyone is fine and escaped this "potentially vicious" (whatever the heck that means) dog attack. The piece of note here is that the dog "served as the family guard dog" and was left chained up to a tree in the back yard of the house and broke free of his chain. If you want protection, get an alarm system. Dogs do not have the ability to learn good people from bad people and will end up hurting good people. Oh, and leaving your dog chained up in the back yard isn't the best option either.
Kim Gotti bit by Pit Bull
For the life of me I can't figure out why this is a headline, but it ran in a LOT of media outlets. Anyway, her "wound" was treated with a little Neosporin and she's fine.
"Dog" attacks boy the day before Christmas
Eight-year-old Elias Fields, of St. Helen's Oregon was bitten in the face by a visiting friend's black Labrador -- which of course is a "dog" in the headline. The boy will be ok, the may need to have reconstructive surgery to repair his lip that was partially torn off. The family wants the dog to be put down following the attack.
Clifford Indiana woman saved from "dog" attack
The woman was attacked by her pet dog, an English Mastiff/Labrador mix. The dog was shot by local authorities and the woman will be ok.
"Dog" taken into custody for attacking woman and another dog
This German Shepherd escaped from its fence and attacked the small dog, a Miniature Pinscher, and the woman picked up her dog and got bitten also.
City plans to seize couple's two dogs
This Midwest City, OK couple is in danger of losing their two pet Bull Terriers because Midwest City, OK has a ban on four breeds of dogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Bull Terriers. The ordinance was enacted in 1987 and is exempted from the State law forbidding breed specific laws because Midwest City is a "home rule" city.
City Attorney Katherine Bolles says "To our City Council it's a matter of public safety, there's anecdotal evidence again and again that "pit bulls" and bull terriers are a different breed of dog".
I don't know about you, but I'd prefer my cities to make decisions based on facts and expert opinion and not based on "anecdotal evidence", which is most often very wrong. The people seem like nice people, and the dog seems like a good dog, and the folks sound like they're planning to move from Midwest City in order to keep their dogs.
Armour for your pit bull
Seems like a dog lover with some craftmanship has designs body armour for "pit bulls". It's kind of cute, and maybe this can help some of us protect our dogs from getting shot by area police who are getting more and more trigger happy. Picture to the left.
"Dog" attacks meter reader in Tulsa
An Oklahoma Natural Gas Company meter reader jumped a fence into a back yard to read the gas meter, and the family's 140 pound Bull Mastiff ended up biting him in the arm. The bite was strong enough to break the man's arm and the dog only let go after the man was forced to stab it several times with a screwdriver he was carrying.
Collision kills pet at off-leash dog park in Seattle
A greyhound was fatally injured when it had a collision with a Golden Retriever when the two dogs were chasing the same ball. The Greyhound apparently was thrown into the air by the collision and suffered a fatal spinal injury. What a horrible and freak accident...
"Dog" bites two year old girl
This story from Austrailia, where the girl took the family Labrador's bone and got bit for it. People, teach your kids to respect dogs and their bones. While it's important to teach a dog to not be possession aggressive, it's equally important to not let 2 year olds test their skills in this regard.
Mineola TX Woman Seriously Injured in "dog" attack
The American Bulldog was new to the family (they had just gotten him this week) and it attacked a 55 year old woman who was visiting the family.
Palestine, Tx ACO seizes chained "pit bull" dog Friday
Notice how "pit bull" makes the headline? Anyway, this dog was taken from its owners after the dog was found emaciated, tethered on a short, thick chain and without any shelter. Animal Control had been to the home multiple times this week and none of the dog's conditions had improved. Because the family wasn't home, the ACO did go to the judge to get a seizure warrant -- which always makes me happy when they do this the Constitutional way.
Pit bulls an issue for area shelters
This is a fairly balanced story from out of Jacksonville, FL where the area shelter does not adopt out 'pit bulls' because they have liability concerns. They note that the dogs are a liability because people want them for all the wrong reasons. Jim Crosby was also interviewed for the story. Here's a snippet:
When owners don't properly socialize the dogs, don't spay or neuter them, and keep them chained up in the yard, the likelihood of a dog bite increases, Crosby said. Pit bulls are also often the victim of abuse or neglect, something that exacerbates violent behavior. And, he said, many of the maulings involve children left unsupervised with a dog, something that experts say is unwise.
Pit Bulls played a big part in local/national news
I saw this article earlier in the week, but Donna did a great job of summing up my thoughts on this for a great read over at Bad Rap's Blog, so check that out.
Dog Bucks the Stereotype
This is a cute story about a therapy dog that is making the lives of senior citizens better. This isn't an uncommon story, just one you don't hear about all that often because these aren't the dogs that make the headlines. It's a great story, and worth the read and there's a short video of Ruby's interactions with the folks at the center that is worth watching also. Here's a taste:
It took a few minutes for Herb Isakson, 81, to smile as he sat in the hobby room at Croixdale with about a dozen other senior citizens last week. But his face split into a huge grin when Ruby crawled o his lap and snuggled in.
Ruby is a pit bull. She also is a certified therapy dog.
Those two statements seem incongruous, but Ruby's owners, Pat and Lynn Bettendorf of Scandia, are trying to change all that.
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