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« Weekly Roundup - part deux | Main | Facts not important for KC TV Stations »

September 17, 2007



The parroting of information that people have heard, is causing extensive damage to "Pitbulls".
A day doesn`t go by that someone comes up to me and tells me a "fact" that they`ve been told by someone or they have read this "fact" on the Internet.
I ask them to do their own research on some of the reputable sites.(which I offer to provide).
I believe that it really does come down to this:
You`re either part of the solution or you`re part of the problem.
Please don`t repeat stories you`ve heard.They`re probably not true.


Everyone should read the Cookie article...speaking of parroting information - this defies everything that is said about fighting dogs not being able to be rehabilitated. This was a champion fighting dog and has never displayed even dog aggression!? Wow...there is a argument out there that pit bulls were never really bred to be dog aggro - but their drive to please their owner is what made them a good working/fighting dog. This story sure does lead credence to that argument. Funny, I've never repeated that argument because I haven't had time to research it on my own. Wish everyone would take the time...

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