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August 27, 2007



Thanks for the update. I am passing this on to friends in KCK.


Keep in mind you don't have to be a resident to call these city commissioners or even write to them. How many people go to the Legends to either eat, shop, or attend a T-Bones baseball game? How many Nascar fans attend events at the track? Let KCK know this is not acceptable and you will be happy to spend your money at other venues. But let's get the word out and help Nikko and his family.


Keep in mind KCKAC did NOTHING when Jimmie Mae McConnell called them repeatedly about the dog that ended up attacking her.


You're right Michelle. It's not about saving lives, or protecting people, it's about making money.


That's a pit, anyone that know them, knows....Their great dogs, but you live in shitholeville


I thought this was an interesting link - -pretty much shows all kinds of different types of American Pit Bull Terriers

Given that "pit bulls" can come in pretty much any color, combo of colors, shapes, etc.

So if you want to say that it's a "pit bull" you probably can...with pretty much any dog out there. But what's irritating is that as a burden of proof, the "proving" is on the role of the owner to prove that it's NOT a "pit bull" -- not on the city to prove that it is. It sort of against the innocent until proven guilty part of the Constitution.

The owner has documentation that it's not a "pit bull" -- the city has absolutely nothing (not even their "expert" vet opinion) to provide "proof" on their end. Nothing. It's been 2 months.

It's unconstitutional...and people should care about that. Sadly, too many don't.


Keep in mind folks, the city of KCK has had a horrible AC dept forever. Even after a former administration set up a task force to look at all aspects of improving AC for the community and came up with a good blueprint, the new administration and AC head have ignored that task force. The mayor, city commissioners, and AC still blame last summer's death of Mrs. McConnell on a breed of dog. They refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. The citizens of the city for the most part do not agree that pit bulls are the problem (except those uneducated individuals that only know about the world through their TV). But many of the citizens don't have enough money or power to make the changes necessary. We need public outcry that good citizens, and good dogs are being punished for the city's lack of a decent Animal Control division.

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