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July 22, 2007



Wow, really the only thing that came out of bizarro world this week was the cat thing. I wonder how they feel about cats getting killed when some guy in a monster truck with a huge confederate flag runs over them?


No, I'm not saying I am that guy, but it happens all the time up here in the northland. And you know if some mutt stray dog did it, like they do all the time in my neighborhood, it wouldn't be news. Just like the Shar-Pei that attacked my neighbors 4 chiuhahas and then tryed to miss with my APBTs over in IndepenDUNCE. In fact the lady that owned the dogs was very mean to my neighbor and threated to call AC on us. And then her boyfriend in a truck with a huge confederate flag showed up and picked her up. I even overheard her call all pit bull owners white trash and other racial slurs one day, despite the fact she's like 28, works at KFC,lives with like 8 people in a 2 bed room, and my old Indy neighbors and I had to call the cops on her and her boyfriend(s) like 20 times.

Sorry for the tangent.


I disagree with the popular notion that 'pit bulls' are the most abused 'breed' - partly because they aren't a breed at all.

Know much about hounds?

The fact is, that since APBTs are the most popular purebred dog in the US by a long way (labs are second) and since any short-haired mutt with short nose and a whip tail is a 'pit bull' in the minds of the populace and since the information comes from news reports where every dog of unknown origin that could even vaguely fit the 'pit bull' profile is one, I call BS on this common statement.

Obviously, the most popular breeds will have the most likelihood of falling into the hands of uncommitted, inexperienced and criminal dog owners, that's a given, so if it's the popularity that's contributing, then that makes some sense.

I just dispute the accuracy of these news reports about 'pit bulls'.

Tony, sounds like you live in a neighbourhood full of troglodytes. Have you considered moving? They are unlikely to be able to follow you - their trailers likely don't have wheels.

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