A LOT of stuff this week....I'll just jump into it, but it was destined to be a pretty nutty week I think:
Pit bulls lead in bites in Indianapolis
I had intended to write a whole blog just about this article but never got to it this week. The Star gives the total numbers of bites, but no other numbers to compare it to (Registratered dogs by those breeds, animal control intake, etc) to give us a scope of the population of these dogs. Then using Alan Beck as a resource...sigh. Beck is the only animal behavior "expert" that I've ever seen recommend banning a breed. And he is so "reluctant" to do it, that he's testified in nearly every BSL hearing in the country (because he is the only person proponents can find to support them). I also LOVE the last quote, when he talks about countries around the globe banning pit bulls: "When something is that widespread, you are not talking about a cultural issue, but a biological issue." Beck has still yet to isolate out the "aggressive gene" he says pit bulls have, and in this case, the biological issue appears to be humans fearing what they are told they should fear.
Be aware of the unintended consequences of your law
Albuquerque passed a bad ordinance a while back, and now are starting to realize how poorly thought out it is. They get a man to take his dog off of a 25 foot chain in the backyard, and now the dog is kept in a 6x10 kennel....with the owner getting sent to court twice for how he keeps his dog.
Pit bull attacks 2 year old in Lockport, NY
This is the story when I knew this would be a long week...several newspapers started reporting this attack where a pit bull supposedly sexually assaulted a 2 year old boy that had just entered the other room to get a new diaper. I haven't reported this one yet (in spite of a lot of google searches looking for it) because frankly, it doesn't make sense. I just don't see how the kid would not have been knocked down and then laying on the floor which would have made such an act impossible. But here's the story if you want to read it. But after that, be sure to check out this site called "Stinky Journalism" to get their background checks on the story...which then gets to my point, if much of this could be verified, I think more than 10 media soures around the country would have picked up this bizarre supposed event.
Media Writing can be misleading
Wendell, ID -- The opening line states: "The difference between a few poodles and pack of pit bulls is what led city officials in Wendell to create a stronger animal ordinance." Meanwhile, if you read the story, the ordinance sets size standards for commecial breeding operations...
German Shepherds attack Lubbock Woman
And yet no one is complaining about the state law that prohibits them from banning the breed.
Louisville Re-evaluating their Dangerous Dog Ordinance
They even admit it may have been passed hastily. But now they're looking at the dangerous dog issue because when they passed their mandatory spay/neuter policy, they did so under the (false) thinking that reproductive status affects aggression. Now that an altered dog now attacked someone (the dog's owner was cited for the second time for having a meth lab in his house), they are wanting to re-look at this. You can't create legislation for every possible scenerio, and as long as you're looking at dog laws instead of owner laws, it's going to be a huge struggle to really create safety.
Missouri Vanity Plates Go to support Voluntary Spay/Neuter Programs
So pick up your "I'm pet friendly license plate" and support voluntary spay neuter programs. It's a fun idea, and will earn some much-needed cash for these programs.
Good Local Newscaster Blog Posting regarding Pittsburg, TN Pit Bull Ban
Someone gets it.
3 American Bulldogs attack 79 Year Old Man in Montauk, NY
Animal Control had been called several times about the dogs, but unable to do anything under the law. Wouldn't it be great if AC's worked with people who had potential problem dogs to give them tips on making sure the dogs weren't a problem later? Whatever happened to proactive Animal Controls?
2 German Shepherd attack two Lubbock people in separate incidences
I particularly like that they say the city has had 19 dangerous dog complaints this year, including one involving a pit bull...
7 year old girl bitten by a Rottweiler in Suburban Houston
If you watch the video clip, the little girl even say she was playing with the dog "wrong" and the dog nipped at her, causing her to need 3 stitches. Now there is controversy over whether the dog should come home to the family or not. A 100 lb dog causing 3 stitches on a young child is a nip, not an attack...and people and laws should be able to tell the difference in assessing future potential danger.
Police shoot, and run over, biting pit bull
I've never heard of a dog getting run over by a police car as a way of stopping the dog...
Boy "Mauled" by Pit Bull in Lorain, OH
Kids were out playing with the dog and someone threw a ball for the dog. The boy reached down for the ball at the same time as the dog and got a "serious gash" on his arm. Animal Control Officer Mike Mattei said that the unfortunate incident would likely solidify people's stereotypes of pit bulls, but that only 5 of Lorain's 70 dog attacks this year have been by pit bulls (and every single one of them has made the newspaper). In the follow-up story, Mattei has another awesome quote: "it was a legitimate accident, but it's a pit bull, so here we go again."
Miami Man Attacked By 2 American Bulldogs
Because this is what happens when you ban "pit bulls" from a community as Miami Dade County did in 1989...people who want mean dogs will just find something else...
The UK has 4 dog breed banned....and public safety from dogs is the worst it's ever been.
Pit bull puppies found dead in plastic bags
It's amazing that these stories virtually always involve pit bulls that have been severely abused, and yet most public officials can't make the connection between cruelty and dog bites. It only makes sense that if a breed of dog is more likely to be abused, that same breed is most likely to be involved in bites...it's never a breed issue.
Two women attacked by a pit bull in Aurora, CO
Pit bulls are banned in Aurora. Authorities seem more concerned about whether the pit bull was legally there or not vs the reality that the dog bit the two women.
Interesting editorial on a pit bull type dog in rural Washington. Turns out the dog is a nice dog and a pit bull...I've always said that if city council members would make an attempt to actually meet some of these dogs that are owned by good owners they'd never pass BSL. But it seems most are content to pass laws based on reputations and press clippings...
The City of Dublin passed a ban this week on 11 (yes 11) different breeds of dogs. The author of this editorial says it was justified because he saw witnessed an event where someone saw one of these types of dogs, and they they got scared and screamed, and when one person screams, everyone else around screams, and then the dog freaked out and bit someone. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Instead of teaching people how to behave around dogs, let's ban the dogs. That makes the most sense.
One of the better Editorials I've read
I really recommend reading this...it covers a lot of territory, talking about nature vs nurture, enforcing leash laws, and all kinds of stuff. I particularly like the quote when talking about legislation and why laws aren't really all that affective "there's a nitwit out there for everything". The sooner people realize that, the better off we'll be.
14 year old Indiana Boy Attacked by his pit bull
He was rough-playing with his younger brother and the dog thought he was hurting the younger boy and stepped in to help. The closest I ever came to getting attacked was in a similar situation when I was kid and I saw the younger kid's German Shepherd dog snarl at me...
Formerly abused pit bulls seek new life
Found starving and dehydrated, they are now recouping into being good dogs. Like I said, why is it that every time one of these stories come up, it's a pit bull that has been abused and people aren't making the connections?
Rottweiler attacks woman in Revere
In other news, Massachussetts is still considering it's state-wide pit bull ban.
New Port Richey, FL Boy Attacked by American Bulldog
Winter Haven FL Boy attacked by American Bulldog
Weird that both of these stories popped up on the same TV station as you don't see a lot of American Bulldog news stories, as most are probably considered "100 lb pit bull mixes".
Regarding The story about the pit bull who reportedly sodomized the toddler. I immediately believed the same thing as Stinky Journalism (thanks for the interesting site -- I did not know that the giant hog was a hoax!) before I even read it. Absolutely disgusting that the media is ready and willing to believe AND PUBLISH such a ridiculous explanation for what was obviously a human assault on a child. Child molestors are some of the biggest liars on this planet.
Posted by: Becky | July 15, 2007 at 01:31 PM
Sometimes dogs get their licks in too...
Posted by: Dave | July 20, 2007 at 11:31 PM