The week of May 20 was dog bite prevention week. If the headlines are any indication, dogs missed the news story and there is a lot more work to do in regards to keeping people safe from dogs (and vice versa). This is a day early -- unfortunately too many stories to wait another day.
Loraine, OH to re-look into a ban on Pit Bulls
This is easily the top story of the week. Loraine is looking into a pit bull ban after a 7 year old girl was attacked by a pit bull that was chained to a tree. There's a lot of juicy stuff in this story. For starters, the dog was chained (which people fail to note). Loraine is looking at a pit bull ban in spite of not having an animal control department. There are some stats from Merritt Cliffton that are quoted (some day soon I'm going to dedicate a whole day to why Cliffton's stats are flawed) and it's also noted that Cleveland has BSL and only 7 animal control officers. Cleveland and KCMO have approximately the same population, and similar demographics. KCMO last year answered 20% of its animal control calls with 12 animal control officers. So I'll go out on a limb here and guess that Cleveland is answering roughly 10% of its animal control calls...yeah, pit bulls are clearly their problem. How about fixing the animal control service first?
New Hampshire Legislators won't bite on Pit Bull Ban
Apparently they really believe in their State Motto "Live Free or Die", ranking N.H. on the list of places I want to retire to some day. This is a really good article if you have the time to read it.
Pit Bull Attack Caught on Video
Surveillance video catches a pit bull attack on a 5 year old kid in Detroit. This story appeared all over the place this week...and every story I saw said he was attacked by two pit bulls, but one of them was really just running around minding its own business. I will also note that the video should pretty much overrule any city council person who tries to say that pit bulls "bite and hold and lock their jaws on someone" as none of those things happened here. It's an unfortunate incident to say the least, but dispells several myths about pit bull attacks.
Chicago Police Officer Shoots Pit Bull/Bystander
The pit bull apparently "attacked" an officer, but no wounds were made by the dog. Meanwhile, a bullet aimed at the dog richocheted and hit a person. Meanwhile, the dog was allowed to stay with the owner, apparently not being terribly injured (and still didn't "attack") and without being deemed a dangerous dog.
Two more dogs shot by police officers
This time in Lauderhill, FL. Two "90 lbs pit bulls" charged a police officer -- the officers were there to investigate a call about animal cruelty. No wonder the dogs were mean, and another instance of these 90 lbs pit bulls that I doubt are really pit bulls. This article says that one of the 90 lbs pit bulls was only 5 months old. Sorry folks, I don't think there's any such thing as a 5 month old 90 lbs pit bull.
Man needs 75 stitches after being attacked by 3 boxers
This is in Middletown, OH, which this article confusingly points out overturned its own pit bull ban 2 months ago....I'm not sure what the repeal of the ban had to do with dogs not included in the ban, and not sure what the article's point was for making that the headline of this article...I've got nothin'.
York, PA Man Attacked by Junk Yard Dog
The headline of course says pit bull, but there is a reason why the song Leroy Brown used a Junk Yard dog as its frame of reference for what was mean...and that song was written back when Junk Yard dogs were usually dogs other than "pit bulls".
St. Petersburg, FL Police Officer wounded when partner shot at pit bull
This one hit a curb and ricocheted an hit another police officer. Apparently the dog's home had been burglarized.
Chicago busts Anthony Brown on Dog Fighting
Rented a house that no one lived in that's sole purpose was for fighting dogs in the basement. Landlords, watch your tenants.
Another suspected dog fighting ring busted in Central Ohio
Apparently this isn't animal control's first visit to her residence...
Stupid Editorial #1
Letter's to the editor are a great way to gain an appreciation for how people have bought, hook, line and sinker, the many myths that surround pit bull type dogs. This one believes the dogs just one day snap. Dogs just snapping never happens. There are always signs, whether people choose to notice them is another thing. To get the true scoop on aggression, read this.
Officer shot by partner who was aiming at pit bull
Dog's home was burglarized, now the dog and an officer are shot. Why can we not use Tazers?
A dog's life on a chain is no life at all
At least someone gets it with this good editorial.
Homeless Couple Beaten, dogs stolen, in Cleveland, OH
This story is the type that gives me chills. A homeless couple was offered money earlier in the day for their dogs, they declined. So the man returns with a ball bat and a knife and beat the couple and steal their dogs. Pretty much everything that is wrong with society is summed up in this short story:
1) We do too little in this country to help people truly in need
2) A homeless couple can love their dogs more than money, and yet so many people with means don't love their dogs at all
3) Some piece of crap person would beat up homeless people to steal their dogs. It give me chills/tears to think about what is likely to become of these dogs.
Rottweiller attacks woman in UK
How's that breed ban working again?
Pit bull shot in Springfield, MO
Their pit bull ban is working well too.
Victim's family sues owner of Attacking Great Dane
Interesting that the city mayor is also the family's attorney.
Stupid Editorial #2
This woman watched a story on her local TV station and now has become an expert on "pit bulls" and wants them to be listed as dangerous weapons. As a supporting proof point, she offers that a pit bull that was chained to a tree "day after day" in her affluent neighborhood became aggressive. Uh huh.
English Mastiff attacks woman and dog in Wheat Ridge, CO
Of course, no one would know if the victim had written a letter to the editor as it never appeared in the newspaper otherwise.
Boxer attacks UPS Man in Zionsville, IN
Two Boxers Declared Dangerous after attacking Shih Tzu
Does anyone still think that you can't make another dog dangerous if you ban all "pit bulls"?
Nine Year Old Girl Attacked by pit bull in Charlotte, NC
Note that the dog was tethered in the back yard.
Police shoot another officer, Pit bull in Elgin, IL
I know that this police gig is hard and all, but the stray bullet flying everywhere isn't the safest...obviously.
Indianapolis Girl Attacked by pit bull
This one sounds pretty bad...I hope for the best for the little girl.
Stupid Editorial #3
Woman walks a pit bull, and off-leash poodle runs up to the dog and gets attacked, so this woman blames the pit bull owner. While it's not ok for the pit bull to be dog aggressive (people should train them better), it turns out that this was a foster that was being rehabilitated. I'm sorry, but I have a tough time putting so much blame on the owner who had their dog on a leash who was trying to rehabilitate a dog.
Lake Worth, FL Police Officer Shoots "Pit Bull"
This 80 lb "pit bull" scooted out the door when the owner came out to talk to police. The police officer RAN from the dog, and when he realized that he couldn't outrun the dog and shot it. Seriously, a police officer has been so poorly trained about dogs that he RAN?
Jacksonville, AR passes Pit bull ban
Now, neighboring Cabot is looking into a ban. This is what I mean when I say it spreads like a cancer -- and why people should care when neighboring cities look into a ban.
German Shepherd attacks woman and two grandkids in Dover, OH
The "Family Pet" was "secured" by a chain in the back yard when he broke through the chain.
2-year-old Toledo girl attacked by Pit Bull
Toledo has a very well-known pit bull it working?
Stupid Editorial #4
This woman assumes every pit bull is "inbred", "abused" and owned by "wannabe thugs". Pretty much every stereo type exists in this one.
Toddler in Independence , MO Attacked by German Shepherd
I thought their pit bull ban was going to protect their citizens from this?
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