Go to KCTV5's website. Look for the "Featured Videos". There are two videos about dog "attacks".
In case they get taken down before you read this, here is the cruxt of the videos.
In the first story, a public works official got bit on the hand by some type of lab mix-type dog when the worker ducked under an awning to get out of the rain. The dog was tied up outside under the awning while its owner went inside to get a cup of coffee. There are no hard feelings and the dog isn't really getting blamed for anything and actually the defended the dog by saying it was probably scared about the thunder. And honestly, it was a small bite, I'm not sure why it's even on the news and it really was no big deal -- although it's interesting that they don't make a big deal out of it when it's not a pit bull.
The second story features a young boy who was riding his bike to his friend's house and was being followed on his bike by three pit bulls. To "SAVE" the boy from the dogs, a police officer who had been called to the scene because of stray dogs stepped between the dogs and the boy and shot one of the dogs and killed it. Turns out the dogs were the kid's friend's dogs, so the boy knew them. I also will note that the dogs never bit anyone -- and yet one was shot. Yes, the owner shouldn't have let the dogs out running loose, but it just shows to me the over-reaction/under-reaction that exists depending on what breed of dog is involved.
Editor's Note: Turns out that according to a friend of mine who spends a lot of time at the Humane Society in Lawrence, two of the dogs were shot. The "pit bull" was shot in the leg and had to have the leg amputated, the dog that was killed appeared to be what he called a lab/hound dog mix. Just interesting to note.
I think more dogs should be put to death for biting, I 'm tired of dogs getting second chances. I was bitten by a lab mix (unfixed male)2 months ago, he bit my arm three time, but in the same holes so far in that it rubbed the bone. one hole was 1/4 inch from my carotid artery
The dog got quarantined for one day and thats it. hes off the hook. meanwhile I have a numb / achy arm. that will probably never go away. And why did animal control do nothing because he had no prier biting reports and I "provoked" him by puting him an a cage, wow. For example: If I was at a bar and a person said something like your stupid to try and provoke me to punch them and I did I would get slapped with an assault charge. so whats the difference here? There dogs they don't know what their doing. yeah right they know exactly what there doing. there smarter then people give them credit.
Posted by: bambeano3girl | September 26, 2008 at 05:39 PM