Arkansas has a lot of amazing places. But even better, one of the things that makes it special is that all of the spots feel very different depending on the time of year. Leaf color (or whether they're on the trees at all), water levels, sun angle all makes for a different experience.
Anyway, a couple of years ago(I'm WAY behind on posting stuff here) we went back to Paradise Falls. We made our first trip there back in 2016 and it was pretty magnificent, but I've been working on my photo skills and I thought some better pics were in order. It's fun looking back to see just how much my photo skills have improved over time.
This is great area. While Paradise Falls (rightfully) is the highlight, there are a lot of secondary waterfalls and water features in the area that would be well worth the visit on their own. But combined, it makes for a wonderful day of hiking. Some of those secondary waterfalls have also gotten names (or, I've at least become aware of the names), so I'll try to mention those in the redux as well.
One other thing I've grown to love about hiking some place multiple times is that I can spend a little less time worrying about way-finding and a bit more time just soaking in the magic of a place. This is probably particularly the case for Paradise Falls -- which, to date, is the only falls we've been unable to locate on our first attempt. My goal for the year is to become a little more familiar with GPS so getting lost is less of an issue. While I love many of the things I find when I'm not where I'm supposed to be, it may be better for my marriage if we got lost a little less often.
This time we definitely caught a lot higher water levels than in our first trip.
The area is spending a few resources trying to make some of the key attractions more accessible. There is still no trail here mind you, but they have dramatically upgraded the parking area for Paradise Falls. I'm not including a picture of that, because it's still just a gravel lot, but it does make parking much easier.
So, I guess the moral of the story here (if there is one), is don't hesitate to revisit places you've already been to.
As mentioned before, a few of the secondary waterfalls have gotten names. I'm not sure who named them, but they have become fairly widely known by these names. Chumfarger is a really nice cascade-type falls -- which are my favorite ones. Hargfarger is similar and just a bit downstream and somehow I didn't get a decent picture of it.
If your curious what Chumfarger and Hargfarger mean or refer to I am not the guy to help you. I've looked it up, and Google was of no help either.
Up one of the side drainages is a nice little waterfall that has been given the name "Twisted Knee Falls". I have no questions about how this one got its name. The area from this drainage on down to Paradise is slick and rocky and is rough on the ankles and knees for sure.
Overall it was a pretty amazing day.
But as beautiful as the area is, Paradise Falls is still definitely the highlight.
If you want hiking directions, you can see them on my post from 2016. The location hasn't changed.
Also in the area is The Historic Hedges Hike, Smith Creek Nature Preserve (and Elise Falls), The Glory Hole Falls and the Boen Gulf/Magnolia Falls area.