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Tom Hearty

I've hiked and camped there plenty times but have mostly used it as a campsite while we hiked Terripan Branch or Dismal Holler. We're going back in a few weeks and maybe try to reach the River, not sure how yet, maybe the logging road.


I took my four kids here yesterday. We wanted to find the base of woods boys falls. We tried hiking along the bluff line but wit my youngest being 7, as we ventured further from the falls, I worried there would be no access down. So abandoned that idea and went back to where the trial forks and down into the ‘gulch’ as I have read. It was about 7pm at that time and my eldest at 14 and I were full of enthusiasm to hike up that creek and possibly find the base to woods boys but my three youngest were getting more and more impatient and angry by the second and it was 7pm. So we hiked back up to the car and left. I’m so sad today because I wasn’t able to find the base of the woods boys waterfall and I don’t know if I could get there from the bottom of the gulch. Can you help me?


I'm glad you found Magnolia -- which is my favorite of this group.

To get to the bottom of Woods Boys:

You took the main trail in and then turned left at the small drainage that led to Magnolia and the top of Woods Boys. Go back to the main trail and then turn left as if you were just continuing on that road/main trail. You'll follow it about 1/4 of a mile (it's a very clear path) as it leads down the hill and then you get to a place were you can very obviously turn left to get around the bluff line. You can then follow the bottom of the bluff line back to the bottom of Woods Boys. The portion below the bluff can be tricky in places so be careful with the little one. But the key is to go back to the main trail and continue on it to get around the bluffline. I hope that helps.

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