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Ben Starr

There IS a trail into this area, though Ernst isn't aware of it, or didn't want to reveal an easy access. Instead of heading to the top right summit of the field and beginning a bushwhack, cross the field toward West Fork of Big Creek and there will be an obvious ford. Ford the creek, head across another field, turn right and head to the top of this field, where an abandoned logging road will whisk you from there to the confluence of Wolf Creek and West Fork in less than 10 minutes with no bushwhacking. From there, each of the caves is only minutes. Maps and details on my website at http://benstarr.com/blog/big-creek-cave-falls-the-easy-way/


Thanks Ben. We'll definitely be back, so I look forward to exploring more (including the additional cave waterfall on Wolf Creek). I'm wondering if the road on the other side of the creek is on private property -- Ernst is very careful to not drive people onto private land. It would be a weird spot for the forest to end though.

Glad that you enjoyed the hike there. We've been hiking around the Ozarks for more than a decade and I've never met anyone else who is familiar with the place, so glad to have someone to share the experience with.


Has anyone tried approaching from the south? There is a road (on Google Maps, so it must be true...) coming up into some private property that gets much closer to the falls than 59 does. This road is unnamed on Google. It comes off of hwy16/7 about a mile east of the junction of those two roads.
BTW: we visited the falls 8/1/14. Thank you for the details of the northern approach. We loved it, and hope to return!



Glad you made it and had a great experience. You are a brave man for taking this on during summer. How was the hike in? It seems like it would have been a very challenging bushwhack during full foliage.

Also, I had assumed the falls was spring fed --- so its the waterfall good this time of year? Curious about the summer experience getting there.

I've not heard of anyone coming in from the South. Oft times the Guide Books don't recommend going down private property to get places. Ben (in a comment above) mentions a road of sorts on the other side of the South Fork of the creek, but I don't know that he explored it that far south.


I got poison ivy on this trail - its everywhere. I recommend long sleeves and pants. Can't wait to go back! One of my favorites!

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